Sunday, 6 April 2014

April Is Upon Us

Good day everyone.  I hope you all have had a wonderful and restful spring break.  I certainly have.  It is hard to believe we are already a week into April, and in two weeks we have Easter long weekend.  We have lots of work to do up to that point though.

Language Arts


This week we have our 5th review test covering the last 20 words.  The words are as follows:

yes, over, just, most, little, as, run, who, jump, would, if, be, one, more, into, so, or, now, name,where


We have finished up persuasive writing and our writing this month is going to focus on reporting.  We will be conducting a research project on penguins focusing on finding facts about the animal.  The students will look up all sorts of information about penguins and will write a report explaining their findings.This will also extend our science "Needs of Animals" unit across the language arts curriculum.


We will have a couple more weeks covering numbers to 100 in our "Monday Math".  We will continue with subtraction from 12 the rest of the week.
Our focus in subtraction will be continuing to work with learned strategies that work for the students in order to solve a problem.  The students have done lots of work with word and picture problems and are gaining a great understanding of how to solve these problems, both addition or subtraction.


Before spring break, we began our "Needs of Plants" unit.  We will continue with this unit this week, looking at some more types of common plants and the different parts of the plant.  We will eventually be growing our own plants in the classroom.

Social Studies

For Social Studies, we will be presenting our "Family" projects that were taken home during spring break, as part of our Heritage Unit.  I am looking forward to learning more about all of the students.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Mr. Aasen

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