Language Arts
Our spelling words for this week are as follows;
in but may here people
We have finished out penguin research and will be writing our reports this week. We have found lots of very interesting information that the students are excited to talk about.
Word Work:
We are continuing with our making words lessons twice a week. Our word family for this week is the "ow" word family (crow, flow, mow).
For our Monday math, we just finished up numbers to 100 and skip counting. We will continue to cover it in some aspects throughout the rest of the year. We are going to begin our unit on 2D shapes and 3D objects during Monday math. We will also be finishing up subtraction from 12 by the end of April. We will continue with learned strategies to solve word problems in subtraction.
In science we are continuing with out "needs of plants" unit. We have learned about the 4 basic needs of plants as well as the 5 main parts of plants (flower, stem, fruit, leaf, and root). We have also planted our very own garden so the students can log their observations of the growth of plants from seed. We have planted peas, cucumbers, sunflowers, radishes, carrots, chives, green beans, and romaine lettuce.
We will be continuing with this unit this week, doing some more experiments, including showing how water is absorbed into a plant, using celery sticks.
Social Studies
Our heritage project presentations are in full swing. We have finished 7 presentations so far and it is very interesting learning where our friends ancestors came from. We have a map on our wall showing the distances our ancestors would have traveled to reach Alberta. The students are amazed at how far some of their classmates relatives have gone to get here.
Some of our garden plants
Green Beans
Lincoln Homesteader Peas
I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Mr. Aasen