Sunday, 28 September 2014

Week of September 29 - Oct 3

Happy weekend everyone.  I hope the cooler weather has not dampened any extraordinary plans.  It definitely did not hurt our Terry Fox run on Friday, or the Eskimos drubbing of the Roughriders.

There are a few things that I need to mention for this week. Wednesday is our first early dismissal of the year.  The students are dismissed at 2:10.  Please make sure you are there to greet your kiddies :)

Also we will be having a fire drill on Tuesday.  If your kids come home with any questions regarding fire drills or lock downs, please assure them that East Elementary is a safe place for your students to be and the adults in the school will do everything they can to keep them safe.

Language Arts


Our spelling words for this week are as follows:

gum   pot   dust   frog   must   sock   pup   shot   soft   tug


I am very happy to see many students returning their red duotangs to show me they have reached an hour or more hours of reading at home.  Again, I would like to see 2 hours of reading by the end of September.  That leaves two days to reach 2 hours.  Keep up the fantastic work.

Monday, 22 September 2014

And Fall Begins..

So here we are and it is the last day of summer.  We can't complain about the weather can we.  Those highs of 3 degrees seem like forever ago.  Let tomorrow, the beginning of fall, bring another chapter to our school year.

A few odds and ends to talk about.  We are having our annual Terry Fox run this Friday in the afternoon.  If you haven't done so already, the permission forms need to be returned, as well as an optional "Toonie" for Terry.  For every donation of $2 to the cause, the student that makes the donation will have their name entered into a prize draw on Friday.
Hot lunch orders are also due on Friday for October hot lunch days.  If you wish to make any hot lunch orders, please do so online.  I also had someone asking me when picture retakes are.  They will take place on October 15th and 16th.  If you want your child to get retakes, you must return their previous picture proofs to school on the day of the retakes.  Do not return it before then.  Also a reminder that we have library tomorrow.

Language Arts


The spelling words for this week are as follows;

band   fit   him   tack   sad   list   mitt   have   will   skin


I am encouraging all the students to read as much as they can at home.  I encourage you to do the same, giving as much encouragement as possible.  I am going to keep track of every hour that every student reads and we will work to a specified goal of "X"  number of hours combined in the class.


We are continuing to work on addition as well as subtraction and recognizing the + and - signs.  I am working with the students so they can recognize when they make errors and self correct their work.  They are strengthening their addition and subtraction skills by learning new strategies that they may not have used before, or reinforcing old strategies.  Finger counting and using a number line are the most popular strategies.

I hope everyone has a great week and enjoy the beautiful weather while you can.

Mr. Aasen

Monday, 15 September 2014

Short Week

Good afternoon everyone.  I hope you all had a fantastic weekend.  There are a few odds and ends that need addressed.

First of all, there is no school this Friday as we have a Professional Development day.  Second, a reminder of meet the teacher night at East tomorrow.  It begins at 6:30 in the gymnasium.  It is a free for all where you go and introduce yourselves to the staff.  Third, is a reminder of library tomorrow. Don't forget those library books at home.

Here is a low down of our short week.

Language Arts


Our spelling words for this week are as follows
let   his   had   ask   old   took   also   sat   fell   get

Our spelling test will be on Thursday this week as there is no school on Friday.  I also sent yellow spelling duo-tangs home with your students.  These duo-tangs will contain the previous weeks spelling test, as well as the current weeks new words and worksheets.  If your child has not finish the work in the work pages, they are to finish it prior to bringing back their duo-tangs on Thursdays.  I would also like them to correct any mistakes they have on their spelling tests, as additional practice will only help them with their spelling.


We finished up unit 1 on beginning and ending vowel sounds. We will begin our second phonics unit this week.  This unit will focus on short vowel sounds.


Every Monday the students will be writing in their journals.  These journals are written without assistance to show the progress of their individual writing skills and their improvement throughout the year showing capitalization, punctuation, as well as complete sentences. We are also continuing with the narrative and informative writing styles.


This week in math we will continue with review of single digit addition.  We have played some games of math addition bingo to really get the students engaged in working with strategies that help them to quickly come up with an answer to an equation.  Our goal is to be able to quickly solve equations of single digits as it will be beneficial to solving 2 digit addition equations later in the year.


We will continue with magnetism and exploring magnets for the rest of this month and into October.

Social Studies

I am positive that all the students in the class are able to locate Canada, Alberta, as well as a general location of Leduc on a map.  We have been working hard studying the map of Canada as well, including other provinces., I have introduced the other provinces to the students.  They are beginning to show interest in other areas of the country which will lead into new units we will study this year.

I hope to see you all at our meet the teacher night tomorrow.  'Till next time, have a wonderful week and enjoy the beautiful weather while you can.

Mr. Aasen

Monday, 8 September 2014

The start of another fantastic year at East

Welcome back to East Elementary and welcome to my new followers.  What a busy week we had last week with learning new routines practicing some old ones.  It was great to see so many familiar faces. This week we have another busy week, getting right into the nitty gritty.


Again this year there will be an agenda message every day.  It is expected the students take their agenda home and show it to their parents/guardians.  I would like their agendas signed every night.  Inside their Kanga Pouches will also be any important information that needs to be looked at.

Odds and Ends:

This week, I will be sending home book orders.  They are due on Friday, September 12th, if you would like to receive your books by the end of the month.  All the paperwork for online access to hot lunch and milk orders will also be going home, as well as all the papers about your children that need to be filled out.  These need to be returned as soon as possible.  Last week I also sent home a green introduction letter.  On the back was some information that I wanted filled out.  If you have not returned this yet, if you could do so that would be great.

Language Arts


Our spelling words for this week (Sept 8-12) are as follows:
fox  cut  hill  wind (short i- as in a windy day outside)  put  all  moon  saw  tell  new


We began our phonics program last week and in the first unit we are looking at beginning and ending consonant sounds.  We will be finishing up this unit this week.


The first unit we are looking at is comparing narrative writing to informative writing.  We have been looking at stories that are related to going back to school and looking at what make them narrative or informative stories.  We will be learning how to write in both of these styles before the end of the unit.


Our first unit in math is a review of single digit addition.  We are remembering strategies and using them to help us solve addition equations


We have started our first unit about magnetism.  We have been exploring what magnets will "stick" to and why.  We are also learning about types of magnets.  As we continue in this unit we will be doing various experiments involving magnets and how they function.

Social Studies

Our first unit in social is a review of mapping skills and knowing where to find our country/province/city on a map, as well as locating directions using a compass rose.

I am really looking forward to this school year.  I have a great group of students and couldn't be happier to be back at East Elementary. Have a wonderful week everyone.

Mr. Aasen