Sunday, 4 May 2014

Winter Has Returned

It seems how whenever we hit something new, the weather changes.  When spring hit, the snow came... when May hit, the snow came...  As long as when June and summer comes, snow does not come.  Those will be happy days.  We have some very exciting weeks ahead of us in May.  This week is no exception.

Language Arts


Our spelling words for the week are as follows;
an, off, once, than, their

Word Work:

We are continuing with making words twice a week and our word family this week is the "ew" family.  (chew, flew, grew).


This week we will be finishing our penguin reports.  The students are doing a wonderful job reporting on all the interesting facts about penguins.  Once we are finished the reports we will begin looking at fairy tales, specifically The Three Little Pigs.  Fairy tales will encompass much of our writing for the rest of the year.


For Monday math, we are beginning our unit on 2D shapes and 3D objects.  We have also finished up subtraction from 12 and will now be doing addition and subtraction to 20.  The focus will be again be on problem solving and having the students solve word problems using learned strategies.


We are continuing with our needs of plants unit.  Daily I have 2 helpers water our classroom garden.  We have also worked on a Mothers Day project that aligns with the unit. I want to keep that a surprise for all you mothers ;)  


We have a couple of heritage project interviews remaining.  Once those are finished we will be doing some review about groups and brainstorm how groups might have changed over time, continuing with the unit, My Family, My History, My Community.

Odds and Ends

This week is bringing some real excitement for the kids.  As seen with the sheet that went home this weekend, the students are designing a wall tile that will be put up in the hallway at East.  This will be done in the middle of the week.  We also have some students that will be teaching some activities to other students in the school, an activity for Education Week.  We will also be attending the grade 4, 5, 6 science fair on Friday afternoon.  We are really looking forward to this really exciting week.

I hope you all have a wonderful week as well.

Mr. Aasen